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The Vicar III (part 4 of 6)Click here to view the previous part of this scambust, or click here to view the beginning of the scambust. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Please respond, Mr Micheal: I need your advice Sent: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 19:25:16 Dear Mr Micheal, I am concerned that you have not responded to my last email, my dear chap. Please respond, Mr Micheal: I need your advice, now more than ever. The situation I find myself in currently is terribly worrying. Not only am I finding it extremely difficult to conclude our transaction (for reasons beyond my understanding), but I am now being harried by the family of my poor deceased colleague, who I accidentally sent to meet his maker earlier than was perhaps appropriate. Please do not desert me, Mr Micheal. Send me details of your bank account by return so that I can transfer money into it, and bless me with the benefit of your advice regarding the family of my late colleague. I do not know what I would do without your invaluable advice. May you receive a card on Saint Valentine's Day from the Virgin Mary herself in recognition of your good works. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: BANKING INFORMATION AND ADVICE Sent: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 16:10:13 -0700 (PDT) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, Thank you for your mails of today. I know that you must be very worried without hearing from me for a whole day now. It was the go-ahead order I have to get from the ministry to handle and get their fund for them. I have to go to the ministries to let them know of the latest development on how to complete their fund. In the process of obtaining the documents from them, I have to wait for a whole day and wait for clearance from them to move ahead so that I will not complicate things. You should understand that it is government money. You don't just have to hop into government issues just like that and without explaining things to them. It may be for them that you are the one withholding their fund all this while. They have to make an arrangement of a panel that will monitor the fund from my private personal account and we have to go the bank for a verification and make the bank to know of it so that when the fund gets to the account it will not be withdrawn by any person unless we came together with the team that the authority have provided, which was accepted by me, for it is not my personal money. It took us time before we concluded the arrangements, and after that I have to go to the security company for to alert them that a way has been made to obtain the documents from the ministry and for them to have patience for some time now so that we can complete our processing and lift up our treasures from their office. This account is my native name account and which the Pastor have been using to transfer the previous funds to the ministry, and as much as I am concerned, you have to make the transfer to the account for safety as it has always been with the Pastor and to others. THE DETAILS AND BANKING INFORMATIONS: Ecobank Lome, Togo, 20 Rue du Commerce Tlx: 5440/5442 Ecobank Swift code: ecoctgxxx Account number: 206347211017 Account name: Ogbuagu Orji Ogba Send the fund through this, my private personal account as it is being monitored for the period of time you are transferring the fund to the ministry, and the Pastor can make the reconfirmation of this account so as to be accurate in all that you are doing so as not to make any further mistakes in transferring the fund. Note: concerning the deceased man, you have let the relation to know that when he left on Friday that he never come back as he have been in previous days or time before you went on the convention, that he had been wanting the way to run away from you for withholding him from going out to have some drink as he normally be. And as at the time you came back that he have made himself that he is OK and could drink anything alcohol again. Then you have to give him some little chance of freedom to be moving around. At least he is a human, when he found out you are not in motive attention with him, that he told you he is going into town to pick up some things and you was much very busy with something concerning your church programme, and since then he have never showed up. Anything they make as their move, let me know so that I can give you the formations that you will follow them up. Anybody can run away when he found out that he is in bondage and can make a way to obtain freedom for himself. I have worked for the whole day without rest, even lunch I did not have to rest my body a little, so I wish to go to bed for now and have some rest so that I can work for tomorrow, as I am going to court in the morning to attend some case like that with some clients. You ask me if I do pray or go to church. I am a very God-fearing human and I do not do anything without taking permission from Him the Most High, who is our maker and to Him be all the glory as we pray he will guide the remaining things that are left as we are making ways to accomplish this transaction only in His Name our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Note: you have to know that JAMES CHAMBERS is my associate name and is for the bar in Justice and I have given you my native name as it has been made and requested by you. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I don't understand Sent: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 10:11:51 Dear Mr Micheal, I have to say, my dear chap, I am somewhat confused by the email you sent me yesterday. I asked you for your personal bank account details, but you have sent me details of an account belonging to someone called Ogbuagu Orji Ogba. Who is this person? Do you not have a bank account in your own name? Please clarify the situation, my dear fellow. May the Good Lord bless the clothes that you wear, from the hat on your head to the boots on your feet. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. Thank you for your advice regarding my late colleague. I shall bear your advice in mind if I am questioned further about the man's disappearance. From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: CLARIFICATION Sent: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:40:39 ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, Thank you for your mail and to clarify you of the account that has been given to you, that is the account that I have been using for a very long time and nothing have ever happened to it. Are you surprised of the name? That is my family native name. James Micheal is my baptism name when I came to be born again in the Christian life when I accepted Christ as my lord and personal saviour. Before then that is the name I was answering to. I told you that the name is my personal bank account that I am using for a moment until when I finish your work, then I can open another account that bears my new name in the Lord Jesus Christ my saviour. You are advised to use the account for the Reverend Pastor. Use it to send the fund to the authority. All the fund he has paid to the ministry came through it. I and the people that are appointed to guide the fund are waiting to hear from you as the authority is also waiting for us to bring a report to them so as to move towards the arrangement we had made to pick up the documents from the ministry. I am waiting anxiously, Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, BARRISTER JAMES NOTE: WHEN SOMEONE IS BORN AGAIN IN THE LORD THERE WILL BE A CHANGE OF NAME IN THE CHRISTIAN WORLD. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I think I understand now Sent: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 14:38:26 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email and for clarifying the matter of your name. I think I understand now. I did not realise that you were a born-again Christian. Congratulations. Tell me, my dear chap, what did you used to worship before you were introduced into the house of the Lord? Pagan images? Trees? Goats? Thank God that you have been turned away from your heathen ways. Just to be absolutely clear about things, could you please confirm that you would like me to transfer the 16,000 to the bank account you told me about yesterday? May Jesus tuck you in at night and watch over you to ensure that you sleep safe and sound in your bed. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: GO AHEAD I AM WAITING Sent: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 07:47:17 -0700 (PDT) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail and your understanding towards God's work. As you ask me, go ahead and send the fund. There is no problem. It will be taken care of as the team that has been appointed are with me always until the fund has been sent to the ministry, then I will be free from being monitored and then to complete my work. God be with us in all things and pray to be guided in everything till the end of this premise. Faithfully yours, JAMES CHAMBERS, BARRISTER JAMES From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I will transfer the money tomorrow Sent: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:03:56 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. Now that everything is clear, I will transfer the money into your bank account tomorrow. I will contact you as soon as the transfer has been made. Why are you being monitored, by the way? Does the ministry not trust you to deliver their money? Are they afraid that you will run off with the money as soon as it arrives in your bank account? May the Good Lord bless your heathen bank account. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I have transferred the money into your bank account Sent: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 10:31:37 Dear Mr Micheal, I have just returned from town, where I visited my bank and transferred the 16,000 directly into your bank account. I had a play with my scanner last night and I have managed to get it working again. I have therefore been able to scan in the receipt from the bank. I have attached it to this email. So, now that the money is winging its way to you, what is our next step? Presumably you can get things moving with the ministries and the security company? Please let me know. May Jesus speed the money into your bank account with a smile and a kiss. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: I HAVE YOUR INFORMATION OF PAYMENT AND TO BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTRIES Sent: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 05:49:20 -0700 (PDT) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I have received your mail and its content was well noted. I shall forward the payment receipt to the ministry as soon as I get you informed of the reception of your message. Things will be working very normal as you have confirmed the forwarding of the remaining fund to the ministry. I will be getting you informed of everything as I will be moving ahead in the formation of taking the documents out from the ministry and to forward them to the security company. I am moving to the ministry to pledge my request, and don't forget to be relating to me on the case of your late friend. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I am praying to God that nothing goes wrong this time Sent: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 16:56:47 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. I am sure that you are as delighted as I am that we finally seem to have found a way to transfer the 16,000 to you. Surely nothing can go wrong this time? Just to be on the safe side, I am praying on an hourly basis, asking the Lord to keep the pigeons of Satan from defacating on the head of our transaction. I suggest that you do the same. You asked about the situation regarding my deceased colleague. I have heard nothing further from the police or from the poor man's family as yet, which is a great relief. I have been trying to convince myself that I should not feel quite so guilty about my colleague's untimely demise: up until now, I have been blaming myself exclusively for causing his death. However, I thought about it earlier today, and I came to realise that you and Mr Ukoha are at least as much to blame for his death as I am: after all, it was you and Mr Ukoha who transferred the 7 to my colleague, thereby giving him the means to purchase the alcohol that proved to be his undoing. Well, I suppose you could argue that it was the white spirit he drank that was actually his undoing in the end, but I feel that you sending him money and enabling him to purchase the alcohol was a strong contributing factor to the poor man's death. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that I am really not to blame for his death at all; if you and Mr Ukoha had not sent him that money, he would still be with us today. Despite this, please do not let the thought of what you have done weigh too heavily on your shoulders. Do not allow the thought of the poor man's distraught wife or his three grieving children prevent you from sleeping sound in your bed at night. I am sure that God will forgive you for the evil you have done. As long as you ask him nicely. May God allow you to sleep peacefully tonight, safe in the knowledge that you were not wholly to blame for the death of my colleague and for the bereavement of his poor destitute family, and may God forgive you and Mr Ukoha for causing the death of the man. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: God is in control of everything Sent: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 14:38:30 -0700 (PDT) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail and the content was well understood, but I just want to clarify one thing to you about your friend who is on his way to Heaven and to eternal life. One thing you have to understand is that there in no one that caused his death. He caused it by himself. For if he had got the fund from the Western Union and got back to you without branching anywhere, there is a tendency that he could still be alive by now. Let that not to bother you much, for maybe that is how God wants it to be, for everybody must one day die and get to anywhere his life derives to, and how you make your bed is how you will be on it. I thank you for the message. You just let me know what that has been bothering you in your mind. No one killed him, for he did not work the way you directed him, but it is a pity that it happened that way. May God have mercy on everything about him. Thanks and faithfully yours, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: When can I expect to receive the $25 million? Sent: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 09:12:35 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. Tell me, my dear fellow, how did things go at the ministry yesterday? Are things moving forward nicely? Presumably, now that the 16,000 has finally been transferred to you, you will be able to complete the remaining stages of this transaction speedily. When can I expect to receive the $25 million from the security company? Do you think it is too early for me to start looking around for craftsmen to come and take a long hard look at my unusually large organ, with a view to them bringing it back to its full glory by skilful application of their trained hands? Do let me know what the situation is regarding the $25 million. Do you think I will receive it one day next week? May Jesus ensure that your socks never get lost in the wash. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: THINGS ARE WORKING FINE SIR Sent: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 04:53:11 -0700 (PDT) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, Thank you for your mail and the contents are well understood. You see sir, I went to the ministry yesterday and submitted the payment slip to the ministry, making to be very sure that the fund have been forwarded to them to complete the remaining fund that is left to claim the documents from the ministry and forward them to the security company. After that I took the same to the security company to let them know that we very soon will forward the required documents to them so that things will as well be OK with them, to start the process of the lifting and clearing of the treasures out from their offices. So as the alert have been made to them, they are waiting for the money to clear and getting to them so that they can release the documents for us. That means if the fund clears by Thursday or Friday next week, that means we are to clear the treasure out in two days time exactly, when we forward the documents to the security company. But all you have to bear in mind is that by next week Friday we will expect to be with the security company in the formation of working for the clearing of our treasures with them. I will be in the security company offices by Monday to make the more necessary thing that requires to the clearing of the items. God is really in control of everything and they are moving very normal since yesterday when I submitted the receipt of the fund payment to the ministry. May God be with us in the remaining of the works to do. Amen. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I am delighted to hear that things are going to plan Sent: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 16:25:12 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. I am delighted to hear that things are going to plan at long last. I thought we were never going to see an end to our little transaction, what with all the delays and mix-ups we have encountered from your end. You may not realise how long this transaction has taken, but according to my diary, it will be exactly nine weeks tomorrow since Reverend Oshimolowo first contacted me on this matter. I never thought this was going to go on for anything like that length of time. After all that time, it is good to know that the end is now in sight. I trust you will have a pleasant and God-fearing weekend. Do not forget to go to church at least twice on Sunday. Jesus would be most disappointed in you if you did not. I plan to spend this weekend writing my sermon in preparation for my Sunday service, and scrubbing down the walls and floors of the basement with bleach. Just to be on the safe side, if you know what I mean. I look forward to receiving an update from you next week. May God prevent your plums from going rotten. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: Matthew Oshimolowo To: Gilbert Murray Subject: PASTOR MATTHEW Sent: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 18:38:19 GREETINGS IN JESUS NAME. Dear Reverend Gilbert Murray, I got a mail from my lawyer telling me that you have finally forwarded the remaining fund to him direct to his account and also made me to understand that a team was directed by the ministry to monitor his account until the fund is taken to the right place it is supposed to go to. That is a very good idea the ministry implemented to guide their fund. I will be in Lome, Togo by the coming Sunday, for the crusade will end on Saturday and after the pastoral guide on Sunday service, then my flight will take off by the evening time. Thank God for your efforts in my absence to see that the things are in very good order. I have only a short time to spend here. May God be with you all and guide you all to the end of this purpose. I remain, Reverend Pastor Matthew Oshimolowo From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: What on earth is going on? Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:26:46 Dear Mr Micheal, I was shocked to receive the following email from my bank manager this morning:
What on earth is going on, Mr Micheal? This is YOUR bank account we are talking about. What does all this mean? Does this mean that you are a fraudster? Surely not... you are a barrister. How could you possibly be a barrister and a fraudster at the same time? I simply do not know what to do. Nat West has advised me to contact the local police, but after what happened with my poor deceased friend, I am not sure that I want police tramping all over Hemlock Cottage. Even if his death was more your fault than mine. What is going on, Mr Micheal? Explain yourself. I am seriously confused. May the holy hand grenade of Antioch strike down all sinners in an explosion of righteousnous. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS BY CALLING ME A THIEF Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:49:25 ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I am not surprised to hear this once again from you by calling me a bad man. Now I know that there is no time you are found a truthful man if you can call me that such of name. Who told you that my bank account is a fraud account? Anyway, I will not have to say much about this until I will hear from the Pastor, then I will let you know about some things you never know, and as far as I am concerned your bank manager does not have the order to tell me that until I hear from the Pastor. I remain, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I am not calling you a thief; my bank is calling you a thief Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 13:42:07 Dear Mr Micheal, It is not me that is calling you a thief, my dear fellow; my bank is calling you a thief. I am extremely confused, and do not know what on earth is going on. I am counting on you being able to enlighten me. This is all most troubling. I look forward to your explanation. May the Good Lord guide me through the quagmire of this transaction. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: I AM WAITING FOR PASTOR FIRST Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 15:29:54 ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I have contacted the Pastor and he have given me instruction on what to do. As for you and your so-called bank manager who have now decided to call me a thief, please if I may ask you, how much do you think you are investing in this premise? Do you know what exactly you are going to miss from the Pastor? Anyway, I will not blame you and your so-called bank manager. The first one came up and that was very clear that Mr Ogbu who was to attempt in taking the ministries' money away, was all known that it is fraud. My private account have now become a fraud account, or are you calling the bank a fraud bank, or what? I cannot understand your real point in this transaction. I should have known from the very first start when you started making your funny tricks on transferring funds to the ministry in many ways. You tried and could not get the way because you have been making some funny steps and you thought we did not know about it. You sent the fund through many ways and many systems and it did not get through. I want to let you know that we all know exactly what you are doing, you and your bank manager who have been advising you on ways to follow. Or are you directing him on what to do, not to let the fund get to the ministries? Let me tell you, there is nothing you will ever do to win the mind of the Pastor and take that fund from him without my consent. What you have just acted tells the real thing that has been happening. For calling the whole bank of the ECOBANK, you are calling all West African banks a fraud bank, and as your bank manager said it, he will never be forgiven by the authority of the bank and the entire ministries. I am still waiting the response of the Pastor to give me the best guideline on what to do next, for I am only on an instruction, then I will know what to do. JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I do not know what to make of your last email Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 16:03:21 Dear Mr Micheal, I must say, I do not know what to make of your last email, my dear fellow. By the way in which it is written, you seem to have been somewhat distracted when you wrote it: parts of it really do not make much sense at all, my dear chap. For example, who is this "Mr Ogbu" you mentioned? I have not heard of this chap before. You told me previously that your heathen name was "Ogba" in those dark days before you were converted to Christianity, when you knew not the grace of the Lord, but worshipped instead graven images and trees and sand and goats. Are you referring to yourself here, or to some other person? And I have to tell you that I was not at all impressed by your insinuation that I have been playing "funny tricks" on you. I am a very serious man indeed, Mr Micheal. I am a man of the cloth: a God-botherer. I am not the sort of person to make light of such a serious business as the one in which we are currently engaged. I am seeking the help of Reverend Oshimolowo to restore my magnificent organ. I can assure you, Mr Micheal, that my unusually large organ is never far from my mind. You also seem to be implying that I have not been completely honest with you, Mr Micheal. I am deeply affronted and insulted by this suggestion. I am as honest a man as you are, my dear chap. I expect a full apology from you for your hurtful remarks. God will not be pleased with you for insulting a man of the church like that. Pray for his forgiveness, and for mine, and you might just get away without having to spend an eternity in the fires of Hell, with Satan and his dark minions constantly poking red hot pokers up your spotty backside. May God give me strength. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: LEFT TO DECIDE Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:03:40 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail where you asked me some questions. Mr Ogbu is the beneficiary owner of the first account the Pastor's secretary gave to you on behalf of the ministries to you for the forwarding of the fund at the initial stage, which was first rejected by your bank. I have had a very long discussion with your contact, the Rev Pastor, on the issue that arose today after sending him many mails and getting to contact the Pastor's secretary and getting the means of getting the Pastor direct at where he is. I have been advised to meet with the ministry on this issue to know their mind and to obtain facts of proof from them in the assurance that if there could be any more delay on this premise, if it would be possible to make a change of ownership to any other name that could be given to them to lift those treasures out from the security company. And their formation is that it could be done if the depositor of the consignment agreed to do so and if he can forward a letter of intent to the ministry for change of ownership, then it will be possible. You are please advised to complete the necessary thing required from you in the case that you are not capable of doing the remaining things required from you. One: I believe that you received the payment that was sent by Mr Dede Agu Ukoha as advised by me, the solicitor in charge of this magnitude, and as been agreed to by the whole body that is involved in this transaction said if you could not complete the things required, you are to send a letter of intent stating that you are not capable of claiming the treasures that had been assigned to you for lifting by the depositor, whom is by name Reverend Matthew Oshimolowo. Note: as the solicitor of this premise I am advising you to resend the payment through my personal and direct account which I have given to you. I do not have any other account to give to you, as in the honest mind I am still changing my priorities of old events into new forms as a new man in the Lord, and I cannot by anyway to tell you any other formation that the fund could get to the ministry, for since you decided to use my private account and that is the only best way I know for now. Your bank please should stop delaying this transaction for any reason, and they should stop telling you of fraud aspects concerning the bank (Economic Community of West African States). This bank is the bank that is controlling all the West African economies as at today. So there is no reason that your bank should call the bank a fraud bank. I hope you can understand me. You have an alternative to choose on what next you want us to move to through your own inner mind of feelings. If you are an honest man that can take the good control of the Pastor's fund that he is giving to you for humanitarian purposes, I have to know the exact thing that is the Pastor's mind to your church. Everybody that is involved in this are waiting for a response, so as to know what next steps to take. Below is Barrister James's picture at the Federal High Court. That is the man your bank is trying to insult of no what reason. To be honestly in mind, I am not happy of all this happenings. JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: You have not apologised for insulting me Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 20:48:22 Dear Mr Micheal, I am in receipt of your email, in which you attempted to explain what was going on in your own unique way. You say that it is up to me to make a decision as to what happens next in our transaction. I can assure you that I want to proceed - nothing is more important to me than my unusually large organ - but you have hurt me deeply with your insinuations. As a result of this, I will not make any further attempts to get the 16,000 to you until I receive a full and unconditional apology from you. I am a man of the church. I am not used to having my integrity questioned. As I told you before, I am as honest a man as you are, may God be my judge. Send me the apology I require and we can move forward. I thought I could trust you - I have entrusted you with secrets that I have not shared with any other living person - but you have hurt my feelings deeply with your harsh and unjustified words. May Jesus prompt you to send me an appropriate apology and make you feel ashamed for doubting my integrity. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: APOLOGY AND TRUST Sent: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 17:54:52 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail which you did not understand my point of view, but for the fact that I am working for you and the Rev Matthew. I have to apologise for the circumstances that arise up in this transaction, only what I have seen here is that there is no perfect trust in this premise because why, the Pastor is not around to take the final decision on this and to make the very best to be implemented in this transaction. I am saying that in all things I want you to forgive me on whichever way that I have made a speech that offended you, and in the name of the Most High GOD through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and personal saviour, for you pardon me in any way that I have offended you, Amen. I have been with the authority that are involved in this transaction and to discuss the matter with them and to know what will be the next step to conclude this transaction. What we reach on now depends on whatever formation you may choose to complete their fund for them so that they will release the documents for us to claim our treasures that have been deposited with the security company. I want to know your agenda towards this so that I can know the next step that I will take. I stop so far. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Now that you have apologised, we can move forward Sent: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:36:58 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. Now that I have received your abject apology, we can move forward. I have been thinking deeply, trying to come up with a way I can get the 16,000 to you without any further problems. I cannot transfer money into your bank account again; the transfer would be cancelled automatically by my bank once more. Besides, given what the bank says about your bank account, I would not feel comfortable transferring such a large amount of money into it. You assure me that you are not a fraudster yourself, and I am inclined to believe you. However, my bank manager assures me that WABITS reports are unfailingly accurate, so there must be some truth in what the report said. Do you think it is possible that your account is being used by fraudsters without your knowledge? Perhaps you have been a victim of identity theft? Perhaps someone has stolen your identity and is at this very moment parading around pretending to be a barrister and using your bank account for nefarious purposes. Do you think this is possible? The WABITS report also stated that you were under constant surveillance. Have you noticed anyone following you? Mind you, I don't suppose you would do if the people who were watching you were good at their job. I only thought that if there had been some sort of misunderstanding, you could perhaps try explaining it to one of the people who is following you, before you were wrongfully arrested. I have had a thought about how I could get the money to you safely. It is the feast day of Saint Bodkin (the patron saint of wheeltappers and shunters) this Saturday, and as vicar of the parish, I will be slaughtering a goat on the altar of the church, as local tradition demands. Once I have removed the entrails of the goat and draped them over the altar cross, perhaps I could secrete the money inside the empty body cavity and send you the corpse of the goat by DHL. What do you think? This would be a very safe method: nobody is going to look inside the abdomen of a decomposing goat. Or do you have any better ideas? Please let me know. May the Good Lord prevent you from being shot dead by over-zealous law enforcement officers if you are wrongfully arrested. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. You referred to a picture of yourself at court in one of your emails, but no picture was attached. Please do send me one. I would love to see who I have been dealing with for all this time. From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: WE CAN GO ON FROM NOW Sent: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 07:45:30 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail and understood all you meant there. I was away to the ministry in the morning hour to know what the next step I would take. You see my very good friend, I would not like to be let down on my works and to lose my dignitary aspects because of what is going on between you and me or the entire body that are concerned in this transaction. My motive is that the way you are now addressing me, it is as if you can detect some wrongs on me. It is only God who can tell exactly who is telling the actual thing of anybody's whereabouts. What is that money, that I could because of it become inferior to my work or to my personal life? I am a born again Christian body, a new soul that is alive in the presence of the Most High God through the mercy of my Lord Jesus Christ, and by Him I will make Heaven. So there is nothing at all you can tell me about this premise that will move me, for I know who I am now. I want to make a point to you. Any body or soul that tells you that Barrister James is being tailed by someone, tell the one that in his life there is no truth and he can never see truth or anything good all through his life, and anything good cannot come to him. Where would the person tail me to, by the way? What offence have I ever made in my life? I have never been involved in any kind of fraud or caused any problem with anybody in my life that would lead to the extent of tailing me around. I work very free as a very free man, and as such I have made very good verification with my bank to know if there have been any errors with my account, or if any fraud has been made with my account, or if anybody have been using my account on such which is impossible. That account belongs to me and to me alone. The team that tells you that are only dreaming. They don't know me in any place, or they may be feeling if I may be that such a person. I thought you are a Pastor? Can't you verify from God and from the Holy Spirit if what you are doing will be successful or not, and man came to be a bridge to your success of life depending on what the society has looked like in the present world of business transactions. To me, I believe in God and only Him that detects to me on what to do in everywhere that I go, and if anything seems too hard, I will not hesitate to contact my God for an enquiry on what to do. Maybe humans can only detect for you on what to do. Sending me the fund the way you prescribe is a very big let down way to me and to my kind of human and the person I am, comparing the height I have been in the world. I wish you will see me in person some day if ever this transaction will be finally settled with you in conclusion. If you are still interested to do this, make to be assured that, as you normally used to say and called God's name, ask God to be in control of everything and try God's way, not the human way. For I myself, that is the way I choose to work on even for ever, Amen. I have an appointment with the security company this afternoon and I am running out of time. I will like to know your priorities so that I can know what stage or stand I will have in with the bodies that are in control of the treasures that have been deposited with the security company. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal Note: below are my pictures. Take a good look at the person they say is being terrorised by some people or security agency. And as I have earlier said to you, I do not bear any bad thing in mind for you as far as life is concerned. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Let us move forward together Sent: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 16:24:26 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email, and for sending me the pictures of yourself. What a handsome man you are, and what a striking wig you wear. It lends you much gravitas, my dear fellow. I'll bet if you had worn your wig when you visited all those banks time and time again, trying in vain to collect the money I had transferred to you, they would not have messed you around so much. Perhaps that is worth bearing in mind when I next attempt to transfer money to you. I must admit that I am still extrememly confused by the WABITS report that my bank came up with, which stated categorically that you were a fraudster: I still cannot quite understand what is going on. Therefore I had a word with my own lawyer, Welsby, this afternoon, to ask his advice on the matter. Welsby suggested that to put my mind at rest and to prove once and for all that you are not a fraudster, I should ask you to send me a scanned copy of a document that proves that you are a lawyer. I told him that you were going to send me photographs of you dressed in your barrister's clothes, but Welsby told me that this was no guarantee that you were actually a lawyer. He explained that if you were a fraudster, you could easily send me pictures of any old lawyer and pass them off as yourself. I do hope you understand that I am not for one moment accusing you of doing this, my dear fellow. However, given all that has happened, the advice that my bank has given me, and the amount of money involved, I would feel much more comfortable if you could send me such a document. It shouldn't take you long to scan it in and send me a copy. Once you have done that, we can move forward. Incidentally, you suggested that I should ask the Lord for advice. I have done so, and the Lord agrees with Welsby, that you should send me a copy of a document that proves you are a lawyer. Get it to me as quickly as you can. We don't want to hold things up now, do we? May Jesus hold your hand as you scan in the document and email it to me. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. I note that you were not too keen on my idea regarding transferring the money to you inside the corpse of a ritually-sacrificed goat. Have you a better idea? From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: FIRST THING IN THE MORNING Sent: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 13:17:58 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I am just coming back from the security company on the invitation they want me to clarify them on the delaying of lifting the treasures from their company, since we had the get set agreement last week that the whole thing will be set by this week. But since they have waited for my tendership of documents, they now have to invite me for clarification. Please Rev Gilbert, the time here is not conducive for to start moving around with my certified certificate that qualified me as a lawyer from the Federal Ministry of Justice as at the time I joined the judiciary in the year 1978 when I graduated as a lawyer from the UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, which is the only university the country have even as at date. Please do not be offended, for the operator in my office has gone home already. First thing in the morning the required document will be sent to you. Do not fear for anything to make any verifications you want to make, for the only thing that is my concern is that the time limit to reach the deadline at the ministry is my concern, for not get into delay of processing documents which could cost us more money. That is the aspect I am concerned about. I have had a long and busy day. I need to have some rest. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: BARRISTER JAMES AUTHORISATION Sent: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:24:03 ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, With pleasure I am sending you my authorised certificate of being a barrister. I believe this will satisfy you on what you want. May the Almighty Father our God be with us till the end of this transaction. I am waiting for your response as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Thank you for sending me such a lovely certificate Sent: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 10:43:51 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for sending me such a lovely certificate. It looks very pretty. It looks very authentic. You must be very proud of it. Unfortunately, my French is so poor (it's even worse than your English) that I have trouble asking for a baguette in my local baker's shop. Therefore, I do not understand a word of your certificate. For all I know, it could certify that you are licensed to sell wet fish in the local market on a Friday. To put my mind at rest, could I ask you to provide me with a word-for-word translation of the certificate, my dear fellow? I would very much appreciate it. May the holy breath of God ensure that your bicycle tyres are always well-inflated. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: JAMES, EXPLANATION Sent: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 06:53:04 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I use this opportunity to translate the main places in the document.
I hope you can understand what that is written in that certificate for now, and I am waiting for your response towards our transaction. You have to remember that this week if we do not do anything to see that we complete the remaining fund to the ministry, that we are going to be taxed for the delay of obtaining documents, which I don't want to encounter from the Ministry of Justice and from the Ministry of Contract Commerce and Industry. We have wasted very much time in only finding means of payment. I will not be in a good mood if that should happen to us. Decide what to do on this and let us get the documents from the authorities that are involved in this transaction. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: How would you suggest we proceed? Sent: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 17:31:25 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for providing me with a translation of your marvellous certificate. I am now totally convinced that you are indeed a barrister, and that my bank must have been mistaken when they warned me that you were a fraudster. I wonder what made them think that? Now then, you mentioned that there was a danger that we would be taxed if this transaction was delayed any further. This would not do at all. So, my dear fellow, where do we go from here? Given that you were none too keen on my idea of sending you the money in the body of a goat, how would you recommend I get the 16,000 to you? It is all go here in Gypping in the Marsh: everyone is very busy preparing for the feast day of Saint Bodkin this Saturday. It is one of the highlights of the Gypping in the Marsh calendar, and the entire village has been looking forward to it for months. One of the local farmers has donated a suitable goat, which is currently tethered to a headstone in the graveyard. It seems quite content. Little does it know of the fate that awaits it on Saturday. I have to say, it's doing a marvellous job of keeping the grass short, which is no bad thing given the absence of the Verger. I may have to consider keeping a goat in the graveyard on a permanent basis. The local Womens' Institute are busy preparing the food for the feast, and Miss Widdecombe is doing her best to find the requisite twelve teenage virgins for the ceremonial procession in the evening. Unfortunately she tells me that this task gets more and more difficult each year, and she is worried that she may have to resort to using virgins from outside the village next year if things go on as they are. Despite these minor worries, everyone in the village is looking forward to the climax of the day, which is to be held in the church once the feasting is over, immediately after the goat has been sacrificed on the altar (my brief moment in the spotlight). As always, I will retire to the organ loft as soon as I have sacrificed the goat in order to provide musical accompaniment to what follows. As happens every year, the twelve teenage virgins will be paraded down the aisle towards the blood-soaked altar, where they will form a line. As my organ music builds and becomes faster and louder, the lord of the manor, the 18th Earl of Gypping, will burst out of the vestry, resplendent in his traditional goat's head mask and long red flowing cloak. As the organ music builds even more and becomes ever more frenzied, he will walk up to the virgins and divest them of their ceremonial robes, one by one. Then, as the rest of the village watches with bated breath and the music grows ever more fast and ever more loud, and as flickering torches cast strange dancing shadows on the bodies of the twelve virgins, the Earl will select the virgin of his choice by daubing an ancient symbol on her bare chest with blood from the slaughtered goat. As tradition demands, he will then take her in his arms, lift her up onto the altar, and deflower her in front of the watching congregation, while I come to a shuddering climax playing with my organ. And when all the excitement is over, we will round off the evening with tea and cakes in the church hall. I only hope the Earl's lumbago isn't too bad this weekend. The old chap is getting on a bit, and it's been noticeable over the past few years that he tends to select the smallest, lightest virgin available. Anyway, it promises to be a jolly fine day, and I am sure that a good time will be had by all... apart from the goats and the virgins, of course. I always feel that it is important to keep the old traditions alive. Do you have any similar local traditions in your village, my dear fellow? Anyway, do get back to me as soon as you can with a suggestion on how best to get the money to you. May Jesus help us in whatever way he can with our transaction. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. I note that your name appears as "James Michael" on your certificate, but you spell it "James Micheal". Did they get your name wrong when they typed out the certificate, or have you forgotten how to spell your own name? From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: Suggestion if possible Sent: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 11:02:37 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I have gone through your mail and got your reasons fine and understand your point for the verification you that you have made, which is normal. You must be very busy this weekend on the festival you are about to host, and you all are going to have very good fun on it I suppose, while the feast goes on at every side in your village. I wish you a happy one. You said that I should make a suggestion on how we can get the fund over here. I don't know how you may feel or what you may think about it. I have two suggestions to make, and my suggestions are:
I will be waiting to hear from you as I am working with the authority that are involved to have a little patience on us. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal Note: the wrong on the name on my certificate was made during the issue of the certificate and since it have been stamped by the authority of the jurisdiction no change can be made, for the issuing is not only for one person, as many we were when we pass unto bar. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Disturbing news Sent: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 12:04:11 Dear Mr Micheal, I had a most disturbing morning, my dear fellow. I was just finishing my breakfast when there was a knock on the door. I answered it to find a burly policeman standing there. He was here to carry out further investigations into the disappearance of my poor dear departed colleague: the one who poisoned himself with white spirit thanks to the alcohol that the money you sent him enabled him to purchase. I was rather distressed, but hopefully this did not show too much. He asked me a lot of questions. You will be pleased to hear that I took your advice, and stuck to the story that you suggested. Although he was here for some time, the policeman appeared to be satisfied with my explanation of events, and left after an hour and a half. I have to say, my dear fellow, I felt terribly guilty lying to the policeman. But what else could I do? If I were to tell the truth about what happened, the police might put two and two together and realise that you and Mr Ukoha were ultimately to blame for my colleague's death. And then they would come after you. And given the problems it sounds like you're about to have with the West African law enforcement agencies over those irregularities with your bank account, that's the last thing I would want to happen to you. By the sound of things, you will probably have enough explaining to do to the authorities in the near future. Anyway, I spent the rest of the morning deep in prayer, asking for the Lord to forgive me for lying on your behalf. I hope you appreciate what I am doing to save your skin, my dear fellow. Regarding your suggestions for getting the 16,000 to you. They are both good ideas, but I have a better one. Given the endless troubles we have experienced in transferring this money, I really do think it would be best if I could hand over the money to someone in person. If Reverend Oshimolowo's crony is back from Sweden, do you think I could arrange to meet up with him in London and hand over the money to him? I really do think this would be a safer bet. Do let me know what you think. I must go: I am having a meeting with Miss Widdecombe regarding the selection of the twelve virgins for the feast day of Saint Bodkin. Apparently she has found eleven definite virgins, but there is some confusion over the precise status of the twelfth candidate, Farmer Gloucester's daughter, Kylie. Apparently she maintains that she is still a virgin, but Miss Widdecombe has heard tales around the village about what Kylie has been getting up to of an evening with the baker's boy. We are meeting to try and agree on a precise definition of "virginity", and to see whether Kylie still meets the requirements. Miss Widdecombe is doubtful that she will do, but having recently read Bill Clinton's autobiography, I feel that we may be able to allow her in as a "virgin" under a technicality. Aah, the life of a country vicar is never dull... Do get back to me regarding my suggestion of handing over the money in person to one of Reverend Oshimolowo's henchmen in London. May the Good Lord do all he can to smooth the progress of our transaction, from now to completion. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: Let me hear from the Pastor Sent: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 04:32:51 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail and let me contact the Pastor and to see what we can do on this. I will relay to you the outcome of what we come to, or I can see if my cousin in London could be reached too, and let me see if I can send him to you or direct you to him. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Note: I will like to speak with you on the phone. Contact me on this line and to know more about what the situation is. 00228-9078531. That is my direct line. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I didn't know you had a cousin in London Sent: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 14:06:26 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. I didn't know you had a cousin in London, my dear fellow. That is marvellous news! What does this chap do? Is he a barrister too? Does he have a wig as magnificent as yours? I presume that it will be no problem at all for you to arrange a meeting between the two of us. I would suggest sometime next week. Then I can hand over the 16,000 to him in person and all our problems will be over. It would probably be easier for me to travel to meet him in London than for him to travel to meet me in Gypping in the Marsh. We are rather tucked away in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to Dr Beeching, the nearest railway station to the village is over twenty miles away, and bus services are erratic to say the least. I would enjoy visiting London for a day or so next week. After all the stress of the past few weeks, and all the work I am putting into arranging the feast day of Saint Bodkin, it would be nice to have a break. Well done for coming up with such a splendid suggestion, my dear fellow. Start making arrangements at once. Looking at my diary, I would be free to travel to London next week on Monday or Thursday. I do hope that your cousin is free on one of those days. Do let me know. May God bless you, your cousin, your extended families, friends, neighbours, and all the people you pass in the street. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. I take it your cousin is a good Christian gentleman? I wouldn't want to entrust such a large amount of money to a heathen. From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: WAIT PLEASE Sent: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 15:58:33 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, Thanks for your mail but my cousin's contacts is not with me. But I have sent for the direct contacts. They are living in Accra, Ghana, where my sister is married, and there they are leaving a nearby country and by tomorrow I believe the contact will be given to me. Please, I am letting you to know so that you will not feel delayed. At least I believe you will not have the chance to move to London by tomorrow as you said. May God be with you this night and good night. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I look forward to receiving your cousin's contact details Sent: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 09:52:40 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. I look forward to receiving your cousin's contact details. Hopefully we will be able to arrange a meeting sometime next week. I am itching to get this money out of my hands and into your custody, so that we can move forward and make real progress with the ministries and the security company. How are the people at the ministries and the security company, by the way? I haven't heard from them for quite some time. I do hope they are well. Preparations for the feast day of Saint Bodkin continue apace here in Gypping in the Marsh. There is only one day to go, and the whole village is buzzing with excitement. I am pleased to be able to tell you that Miss Widdecombe and I managed to sort out the problem of the twelfth virgin the other day. We interviewed the young lady in question to find out exactly how chaste she actually was. Although it was a tough decision, Miss Widdecombe and I both decided in the end that she probably just about qualified for inclusion in the celebrations, by dint of the baker's boy having had too much to drink on the night in question. Miss Widdecombe is measuring Kylie for her ceremonial robes and headdress of mistletoe and ivy as we speak. In the absence of the Verger, I will be spending this morning reinforcing the legs of the church altar. I am anxious to avoid a repeat of what happened during last year's ceremony, when the 18th Earl of Gypping went about his duties with a touch too much enthusiasm. As the ceremony reached its climax, one of the legs of the altar suddenly gave way under the Earl's repeated thrusting, and the Earl's virgin of choice fell away from under him as the altar collapsed at a most inopportune moment. I hear that the dry cleaning bills for those seated in the front pews were quite considerable. The Earl's wife and the members of the parish council have elected to sit a couple of rows back this year, just in case. Well, do get back to me with details of your cousin as soon as you can, my dear fellow. I feel that we are now closer than ever to concluding this transaction in a satisfactory manner. May Jesus the carpenter's son be at my side giving advice and lending a hand as I reinforce the church altar today. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: Understand me my very good friend Sent: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 13:02:34 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, How are you today? I hope you are fine in the Lord, and the preparations of the Saint Bodkin feast, I hope things are being well organised very well? My dear fellow, there is a slight problem we have on the concerning of my cousin's contact. I went to Ghana myself to see my sister as the person I sent did not come up with what I needed, so I went to see my sister by myself. I was made to know that the young man left London early this year to go to the United States with his new wife as they change their way for the wife is an American woman. Please my dear good friend, I am pleading to you to have a mercy mind as I am to direct you to London to Western Union offices in London to make the payment by Monday morning, as the chance for us at the ministry have expired today and I have been pleading with the authority of the ministry to have a mercy mind with us. Please, by Monday morning as been agreed with them for only one day, mercy that the completion fund will be sent to them by Monday at least before noon as been agreed, and if we did not reach the deadline that means we are to pay an additional payment of $3,800 as reprocessing fees to the authority of the ministry. I wish we can make this as has been planned to reach up their requirements by Monday, so the addresses that I am sending to you will be OK to make the remittance by Monday. The addresses of the Western Union offices in London:
The contacts will be more easy for you to make the location of their offices on Monday. Try to call the offices when you get to London on Monday. Thanks. May the good Lord lead you in going and coming back. To make the remittance more easy for you, you are to split the fund into two parts: 8,000 each to the names you have with you. Try to give me a call as soon as you finish making the payments so that I can go to the offices to claim the fund as I will be waiting. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I am sorry to hear that I will not be able to meet up with your cousin Sent: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 13:14:27 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear that I will not be able to meet up with your cousin. I was rather looking forward to that, and it did seem to me to be the best way of ensuring that you got your money. Never mind. I suppose we will have to resort to using Western Union again. However, there is a lot to do in the village clearing up after the feast day of Saint Bodkin, so I will not be able to travel to London tomorrow to transfer the money. There is so much to do here - it took the Verger a whole day to scrub the goat's blood off the walls and floor of the church last year - and in the Verger's absence I am having to do everything myself. I may be able to travel to London on Thursday this week. Would that be soon enough for you? If not, please do bear in mind that I still have the corpse of the goat from last night's celebrations, so I could always try sending you the money inside the goat's body cavity, as I suggested last week. Please let me know which option you prefer. On the subject of the feast day of Saint Bodkin, I am delighted to be able to tell you that the whole day passed off without incident, and a good time was had by all. It was a good job I strengthened the altar: the 18th Earl of Gypping has put on quite a bit of weight since last year's ceremony, and I don't think the altar would have taken the combined weight of the Earl and his selected virgin (Kylie, as it happened) without the additional wooden bracing I rigged up. Do let me know whether Thursday is good for you, my dear chap, or whether you would like me to courier you the money inside the decomposing body of the goat. May God bless the 18th Earl for a marvellous choice of virgin last night. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: Re: I am sorry to hear that I will not be able to meet up with your cousin Sent: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 09:55:31 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail and understood all you mean on it, but I believe it's all going to be the decision of the ministry when I will go to plead to them to know what they will come with on their decisions towards our programme with them. So by tomorrow when I go to them and know their decisions then I will give you a mail on their relative decisions. Thanks to God that the Saint Bodkin feast was very successful and everything on it that goes by was very marvellous. It is good to make a good plan on some occasions or ceremonies taking good care of. May God give you more days to see more of the celebrations of the Saint Bodkin feast. I will give you their decision mind on what they come. If it will not be OK by them, then we can know what to do about it, but straight away I will be going to the Chief Justice house now to inform him first and to know his mind. If he can advise on more grace days on an instruction to the Ministry of Chamber of Commerce and Award to have more patience towards this, then I will let you know on all by tomorrow. As well, I will make a verification if the way you mean can be obtainable from the courier services that operate here in Lome, Togo. I remain faithfully yours, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: HASTEN UP TO MEET UP TIME FACTOR Sent: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 01:06:38 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, How are you today? I hope you had a nice rest yesterday on the event you had at your village at the weekend. I am just coming from the ministry offices as the discussion with the Chief Justice yesterday night was not too well to understand, for he was not too happy with me yesterday when I opened with him on the discussion towards your decision by Thursday. There is nothing we can do, only to see that the remaining balance is made to the ministry and let the security company take over in their processing of getting the treasures set for lifting. Today, which is the last day of our grace in bringing the fund to the ministry, has expired, but I have let the Reverend Pastor to know about it for he was supposed to come in yesterday from India and I was made to know that their flight was delayed as there was no good flight to come down from India in the next two days. So when he comes back, I believe he will look into it and see what he can do as we will be going together to the justice and the ministry to hear from them on what we are to do about it. Please my dear fellow, I am pleading to you to travel on Wednesday to London to make the remaining fund been sent to the ministry, so that as soon as we get the documents from the ministry we will get it to the security company that same day and they will start their processing of lifting the items from their offices. And that means if we do that, we are going to claim the treasures by Friday and send it lifting to you so that I and the colleagues that will come down to London with the Pastor will start to prepare our coming to London by next week. Hasten up and make the fund been sent on Wednesday so that we can still meet up our required time. Yours faithfully, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal NOTE: CALL ME TO MAKE SOME MORE CLEARANCE SO TO HASTEN THINGS UP. I AM WAITING FOR YOU SO URGENTLY. From: Vicent Mambel To: Gilbert Murray Subject: WARNING INFORMATION Sent: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 03:48:39 -0800 (PST) Dear Reverend Gilbert Murray, This is to inform you that the duration of time been pardoned for the claim of the two documents being withheld by the authority has expired. The period of time was that if the documents' owner did not come for the claim for the period of six weeks of the documents' completion, there will be a penalty of $3,800 that will be paid to the authority for delayed collection and to reassure that the documents are valid for the intensive purpose or usage. Again, if the documents are stayed for three more weeks there will be an additional fee of $400 to satisfy the authority that the owner of the said documents will be questioned thoroughly for the delay of claim. Note: your solicitor was here this morning for more pleading of days of grace as he normally do almost every working day to plead on your behalf for the completion of payments, and has been honoured by the authority for his personal observation by the head of the authoritative board members of this ministry and from the judiciary where the final order comes from for final decisions. You are been warned to come up with the said claim formation of these documents as the duration of claim has expired. MINISTRY CHAMBER AND CONTRACT BOARD, LOME, TOGO Vicent Mambel Secretary From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I will do my best to travel to London on Wednesday Sent: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 12:18:38 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your emails, and for keeping me abreast of the situation regarding the ministries and the security company. I must say, it was jolly good of the Chief Justice to agree to see you last night: there are not many lawyers I know who are prepared to work on a Sunday evening. Having said that, however useful it may have been to our business, I do hope the man does not make a habit of working on the Lord's day. And although your attention to your duties is admirable, you should be ashamed of yourself too, Mr Micheal, for working on a Sunday when you should have been praying fervently to the Lord. Do not neglect your duties to God, my dear fellow. Your soul is at stake. From what you said in your emails, it sounds as if it is imperative for me to get to London as soon as possible to get this money transferred to you. Indeed, I have just received an email from that nice Mr Mambel, reminding me that time is running out. Although getting to London before Thursday will be extremely difficult, I will do my best to travel there on Wednesday as you suggest, rather than on Thursday as I had originally planned. However, if I am to do this, I will need to find someone to help me clear up the church, as I will not be able to do all the work myself if I am to travel on Wednesday. It would be useful if I could find someone to scrub the goat's blood off the walls and floor while I do the rest of the cleaning and tidying: that is the job that takes the most time. I may ask Miss Palmer-Tomkinson from the village if she can give me a hand. I have heard people refer to her as "an old scrubber", so I imagine she will be quite handy with a brush and some bleach. I will get back to you as soon as I can and let you know whether I will be able to travel to London and transfer the money on Wednesday. In the meantime, given that you committed the sin of working on the sabbath, I suggest you spend some time today praying to the Lord for his forgiveness. May the Lord forgive you for the most shameful act you committed yesterday, and spare you an eternity of agony burning in the furnaces of Hell as a result of it. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: Gilbert Murray To: Vicent Mambel Subject: Re: WARNING INFORMATION Sent: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 12:21:42 Dear Mr Mambel, Thank you for your email, my dear chap. It was delightful to hear from you after all this time. I trust you are keeping well. I am well aware that time is pressing in this matter. Please let me assure you that I am leaving every stone unturned in a search for the best way to get this money to Mr Micheal. In fact, I am going to try and make arrangements this afternoon to transfer the money to Mr Micheal on Wednesday of this week. Reverend Gilbert Murray is not one to tell tales, but I feel that I should point out to you that the delays we have experienced so far in this transaction have not been my fault. I have tried transferring the money to Mr Micheal using a variety of methods; the delays have come about as a result of Mr Micheal's failure to collect the money successfully. However, please be assured that everything is in hand, and I am confident that with God's assistance, Mr Micheal will be in possession of the money by Wednesday at the very latest. I trust this is acceptable to you. May Jesus bless your office with ergonomically-designed furniture to minimise the possibility of you contracting repetitive strain injury while working on your computer. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sent: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 09:43:59 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail and the notice was well noted. I will be a little free in mind when they will confirm their remaining fund and I will take my action to see that things will be achieved. At least by Friday, we will know when the treasure will be shifted to the UK so that we will start to prepare our coming to the United Kingdom, then to see face to face and I will know the kind of person you are and you will know me very well. I am waiting to hear from you. Faithfully yours, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Good news! Sent: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 19:34:12 Dear Mr Micheal, Good news, my dear fellow! Miss Palmer-Tomkinson has agreed to help me clear up the church tomorrow, so I will definitely be able to travel to London on Wednesday to transfer your money to you. I have just contacted an old ecclesiastical friend of mine, and I shall be taking the opportunity to stay overnight with him on Wednesday night. It will be good to catch up with each others' news. I cannot wait to tell him how well the feast day of Saint Bodkin went this weekend. I look foward to meeting you when you travel to the United Kingdom. You say you will finally get to see the sort of person I am. I have to say, we have been communicating with each other for so long now that I feel fairly confident that I already know exactly what kind of person you are. May God grant me a safe trip down to London on Wednesday morning. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: Dr David Cojoh To: Gilbert Murray Subject: WHY THE DELAY? Sent: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 14:56:14 Dear Gilbert Murray, Your Solicitor was here this morning on the concern of the treasures that have been deposited with our company here in Lome, Togo. He was asking for the endorsement of the signatory of the final stage that remains to be endorsed with our firm for the release of the consignment that has been deposited with our company. As a matter of fact, there is no way it can be possible for that when the required documents are not yet forwarded to our company rightly from the ministries' offices, though we are on the notice that the said documents are in the possession of the ministries. It is the ministries that will forward the said documents to us direct and been followed by your solicitor. This is to inform you that as the processing of these treasures has been made and they have not been claimed yet from our company, it is taking much time with us to consider the delay of these documents not been forwarded. We hereby ask you to forward to us the reasons of delay, and if not been forwarded we may keep your formations on hold until further clarifications have been made. We are waiting for your earlier response, Yours faithfully, Dr David Cojoh From: Gilbert Murray To: Dr David Cojoh Subject: It is good to hear from you Sent: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 17:33:15 Dear Dr Cojoh, Thank you for your email. It is good to hear from you, my dear chap. I trust you are still looking after my consignment with the utmost care and attention. I can well understand that you are concerned about the lengthy delays that have prevented me from claiming my consignment for so long. Believe me, Dr Cojoh, I am just as concerned by these delays as you are. I would like to assure you that these delays have not been of my making. I have tried every way I could think of to get money to my solicitor, Mr Micheal, so that he could pass it on to the various ministries in order to obtain the documents we require. However, I am sorry to say that Mr Micheal and his associates have so far proved singularly inept at collecting the money. First of all they asked me to transfer the money into a bank account which I subsequently found out was implicated in fraud of some sort. Thankfully, my own bank cancelled the transfer automatically as soon as they became aware of this. I then tried a wide range of money transfer systems to get the money to Mr Micheal (including Western Union and GIMPS), but he failed to manage to collect the money each time for one reason or another. After that, Mr Micheal came up with the frankly ludicrous suggestion that I should secrete the money inside an item of sportswear or a clock and courier it to him. Naturally, I was having none of that. Mr Micheal then asked me to send the money to his personal bank account, but my bank stopped that transfer as well, as it turned out that Mr Micheal's own bank account was implicated in fraudulent goings-on (I think he must have been the victim of identity theft). However, I am happy to be able to tell you that we have now agreed on a method of transfer which we are both confident will work. In fact I am travelling to London first thing tomorrow to transfer the money to Mr Micheal. So, all being well, I should be able to claim my consignment by the end of the week. I do hope that the consignment has not been taking up too much space in your offices for all this time. May the Good Lord bring glad tidings to us all tomorrow. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: My plans for tomorrow Sent: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 17:35:22 Dear Mr Micheal, A quick note to inform you of my movements tomorrow. I will be catching the early train to London, and hope to arrive at King's Cross at nine o'clock precisely. I will then go straight to Bartletts' London branch and withdraw the money I need to transfer to Mr Ukoha and Mr Kplola. Once I have the money in my hands, I will travel directly to one of the Western Union offices you told me about, where I will make two transfers of 8,000 each: one to Mr Ukoha, and one to Mr Kplola. Once I have made the transfers, I will make my way directly to my friend, the Archbishop of Westminster's residence. I will contact you as soon as I get there to let you know the details of the money transfers. Both the Archbishop and myself will be praying fervently to the Lord for the success of these transfers tomorrow. With the power of our combined prayers, I am positive that nothing can possibly go wrong. Can I assume that you will be travelling to the Western Union office tomorrow yourself with Mr Kplola and Mr Ukoha to ensure that there are no mistakes made at your end? May Jesus hold your hand tomorrow as you collect the money I transfer to you. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. I received an email from Dr Cojoh earlier today. He was getting worried about the delay. I sent him a quick reply to reassure him that everything was in hand, and told him I was confident that you and your colleagues would not make any more foolish errors when you go to collect the money tomorrow. From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: CORRECTION AND SAFE JOURNEY Sent: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 19:01:27 ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, Thanks for your mail and the content was well noted. You said the security company contacted you today, for I was at their offices early today to ask for the last inducement that remains, while there have been a means of getting the documents out from the ministries. They were so harsh on me, but that did not mean much as they were only trying to get the right formative way of doing things. The names you get to transfer the fund, please don't include Mr Kplola's name. You have to use my native name, Ogbuagu Orji Ogba, for the ministries have already chosen Mr Dede Agu Ukoha for their fund monitoring till it gets to them. I believe that Mr Kplola might not be in the position for the claim of fund by tomorrow, as the ministries had to provide some other team who are going to go to the Western Union offices by tomorrow. I wish you a very best journey to London by tomorrow, for the Good Lord will lead you to and fro to your place, Amen. I remain to work for you in earnest and with the very best I can to see that this will be done and claimed by Friday. Give me a call and pass me the information as soon as you made the transfer. I look forward to be hearing from you by tomorrow. Faithfully yours, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Note: please, in more clarification way, if you get to the Western Union offices, you try to get information from them if your 8,000 can go at once to each given name. If it can't, you then know that you are to make it by 4,000 pounds at the first office and go to the next to do the same, as you will give the information for the first trial, then once it's through you go ahead for the next one please. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I have made two Western Union transfers Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:15:35 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email of yesterday, in which you clarified the names of the people to whom you wanted me to transfer money via Western Union. Fortunately I read the email last night, so I was able to make a note of the correct names before I left for London early this morning. My journey to London was uneventful, and the train arrived at precisely nine o'clock. I went straight to Bartletts' London office in Scrote Street, where I withdrew the 16,000 in cash. I then made my way hurriedly to the Western Union agent in Edgware Road that you told me about. All was going well up until that point. However, when I arrived at the Western Union agent, I explained to them that I wanted to transfer 16,000 to a person in Togo. The Western Union agent consulted his manual, and informed me that the maximum amount one can transfer from the UK to Togo is only 500! I was astonished: none of the Western Union agents I have visited in Lincolnshire have ever told me this. Apparently it is to safeguard against people sending large amounts of money to "advance fee fraudsters", who are apparently quite common in your country. I suppose if there are so many fraudsters in Togo, it must keep you busy as a barrister. Perhaps this limit of 500 explains why you have been unable to pick up the Western Union transfers I have made up until now: as they have been for amounts higher than the maximum allowed, they have probably been invalid. With this in mind, I decided that there was nothing for it but to transfer the money to you and Mr Ukoha in batches of 500. I therefore made two payments, the details of which are as follows: PAYMENT 1:
I then left the Western Union agent and started to make my way to the second agent you told me about, where I planned to make two further transfers of 500 each. However, it cost me 37 to make each individual transfer at the Western Union agent, and after a quick bit of mental arithmetic, I worked out that I would have to make a total of thirty-two transfers in order to get all of the money to you, and that this would cost me a grand total of 1,184 in Western Union fees! It is clearly impractical to get the rest of the money to you via Western Union. For one thing, I cannot afford to pay 1,184 in Western Union fees. Therefore, we will have to come up with an alternative method of getting the remaining 15,000 to you. Have you any ideas? I still have the disembowelled body of the goat in my chest freezer at home, so we could always explore that option again. What do you think? Anyway, at least I have managed to transfer a total of 1,000 to you and Mr Ukoha, so you should be able to collect that today. Please get back to me as soon as you have collected the money from your Western Union agent. Perhaps if you gave the 1,000 to the ministries today, you could persuade them to give us some more time to get the rest of the money to them? I am now at the Archbishop of Westminster's residence. I look forward to hearing from you. May God find us a way for us to get the remaining 15,000 to you safely. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. I would have sent you copies of the Western Union receipts, but unfortunately my friend the Archbishop does not possess a scanner. From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: THERE IS NO MONEY THERE Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 05:47:12 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, We have gone to the Western Union offices and stayed for much time and the fund was tracked through their computers and they did not find anything of such. Please, I want you to go the agent offices you sent the money to and tell them you really want to transfer money over to our client in Lome, Togo. Make the necessary arrangement and give to us the real informations you use to send the fund. We are waiting. Faithfully yours, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal Note: this is the information you gave to us: PAYMENT 1:
CALL ME ON MY PHONE AS SOON AS YOU REACH THEM TO MAKE THE RIGHT WAY. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Don't worry; I will sort it out Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:17:03 Dear Mr Micheal, I was extremely distressed to read your email. I cannot believe that yet again you are experiencing problems collecting the money I have transferred to you. I simply cannot understand it, especially when one considers that both of these transfers were within Western Union's acceptable limit. You must have looked a complete idiot at the Western Union office. Please accept my most sincere apologies. The Archbishop and I both knelt down and prayed for the success of this endeavour as soon as I arrived at his residence from the Western Union office. I cannot believe that our combined prayers were not sufficient to ensure the safe passage of the money to you and Mr Ukoha. Perhaps God was busy when we were praying, and did not hear our prayers. What with everything that's going on in Iraq at the moment, he may well have been occupied with other things. Do not worry, Mr Micheal. I shall return to the Western Union agent immediately and see what I can do to sort things out. The Archbishop is coming along with me to see if he can help. I will get back to you as soon as I can. May Jesus intervene personally to put an end to our Western Union woes. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: PLEASE FOLLOW THIS ADVICE Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 06:16:31 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I just have to let you know that you have to withdraw all the fund from the Western Union and make an international demand bank draft on my native name of an instant cash payment services, and raise up a draft payment that way to make it more easier, and send the draft through a courier service from London there. Please, as we observed from the Western Union, it seems they can frustrate our movements and make you to be inconvenienced in the whole thing. You are being advised, then if the method will not be OK you can go on and use your method you said earlier on. Any way you choose, you are to use this postal address: 38 Rue Aniko Palako, Box 1210, Lome, Togo Tel: 00228-9078531 Send it through FEDEX or TNT courier services only and forward the tracking number to us and for monitoring. Please, we are sorry for the inconveniences it may have caused you, for we thought that it will be more easy to get the fund from London. Thanks and God bless, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: MORE ADVICE Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 06:25:23 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, Please, the new advice is based on the remaining 15,000 that is left with you. Make the correction of the 1,000 you have sent so as to make a little payment to the ministry today, as they will hold on for the remaining balance. Thanks, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Problem solved, my dear fellow! Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 15:19:41 Dear Mr Micheal, Problem solved, my dear fellow! The Archbishop and I went straight back to the Western Union office and demanded to see the Manager. I explained to the Manager that I had made two transfers this morning, but that when you and Mr Ukoha had attempted to collect them you had not been able to. I remonstrated severely with the man, telling him that yet again, you and Mr Ukoha had been made to look like a pair of brainless fools. The Manager apologised profusely for any inconvenience, and investigated the matter straight away. He discovered the cause of the problem in no time at all: after investigating their records, he found that the agent who had processed my two transfers this morning had made a mistake on the receipts: he had written down both MTCNs incorrectly! That explains why you and Mr Ukoha were unable to collect the money earlier on. The Manager was good enough to refund half of the Western Union fee I had paid this morning in recompense. In return for his good service, the Archbishop and I both blessed him. The correct MTCNs, which will enable you to collect the money, are as follows: Your transfer: 6380583281 Mr Ukoha's transfer: 6380583282 As you can see, the agent got some of his eights and zeroes mixed up. All of the other details are the same as I gave you this morning. I apologise once more for the inconvenience and embarrassment this may have caused you. At least now that you have the correct numbers, you will be able to collect the money immediately. Please, Mr Micheal, hurry along to your Western Union agent and pick the money up as soon as you can, so that you will be able to pass it on to the ministries before the end of the day. Do keep me informed of your progress. Thank you, incidentally, for the advice regarding the remaining 15,000. But let us not run before we can walk; let us first concentrate on getting this 1,000 safely into your hands. Once you have collected the money, I will send you the remaining 15,000 using the method you outlined in your email. May God give you wings as you and Mr Ukoha scurry off to the Western Union office again. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: I AM NOT SURE WHO YOU ARE NOW Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 09:19:05 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, Not only being as a fool at the Western Union offices, I have become another thing altogether to the Western Union officers. There is nothing at all been sent by anybody at all from the Western Union offices. They are all fooling each other in their offices. I was advised by the Western Union money transfer officers that there is no fund at all sent by any person, that if so, there must be tracked evidence. They contacted their affiliated offices where you made the payment and were told that there is no such fund been made. Any time the tracking number is slotted in, this is what it's always said: "W0131: We do not have an order with the provided information. Please verify your information and click Check Status". If I may ask, what exactly do you think you are doing? If ever you know what you are doing or what you are delaying on, you can never get the impetus to disobey my kind of human or to take me for granted. When the Reverend gets to town today I will make sure of something to be corrected, and it have to shift to a human that have the mind of humanitarian purposes, so my dear gentleman, I thought all the problems are from the Western Union offices, not knowing that everything has been made by you. If ever you still have the interest on this magnitude, you are advised to use the draft formation I gave you, or you are to buy a little radio player that have enough space on the back. Put the fund inside it and close it back, and send the item through the one of the courier services that has been given to you. The entire ministries are not happy any more with you, so I will advise you to buy some gift items too, like I told you in the former stage when such a thing came up. A gift like three mobile phones of your choice and three wrist watches. They are for the head of directors that are concerned in this premise in other to make them believe that you are not joking with them. All that I am saying, it have to be by tomorrow so as to meet the deadline of the next grace days that have been given to us, as the Reverend have made the delay charges from an instruction from Kenya where he is having a building project going on. If the Reverend will send money through an instruction, then what about you? I don't think you are a serious man. At my age I am being fooled like that at an office like that. I remain, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal NOTE: HOW MUCH HAVE YOU PAID ME SINCE ALL THIS? From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: I do not understand what the problem is Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 17:47:58 Dear Mr Micheal, I was terribly distressed to receive your last email. So you still have not managed to collect the money from the Western Union office? What on earth are you doing over there? How difficult can it possibly be? I have tried every way I could think of to get this money to you over the past three months. And yet no matter which method I use to send you the money, you manage to mess things up at your end. I despair sometimes, I really do. I only hope that you are more successful at conducting your court cases than you are at collecting money from a bank. I can well understand that you are upset by all this: when you consider the huge amount of time you have wasted on this matter and the catalogue of embarrassing incidents you have been put through, I would be upset too if I were you. But please do not blame me for what has essentially been your own fault, my dear fellow. That is most unchristian of you. And what do you mean when you say that you're not sure who I am? You know perfectly well who I am: Reverend Gilbert Arnold Murray, vicar of Saint Bodkin's Church, Gypping in the Marsh. Never mind. I am a magnanimous man, and I forgive you for your intemperate outburst. I have to say, I like the suggestion you have made regarding sending you the money in the back of a radio. Using a radio would be far less messy than using the eviscerated body of a ritually-slaughtered goat. I cannot think why I didn't think of it myself. So, that is settled. I shall send you the money in the back of a radio. Tell me, did you have any particular type of radio in mind, my dear fellow? May God forgive you for your intemperate outburst towards a man of the cloth. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. You mentioned that I should purchase some gifts for the gentlemen at the ministries. As you are in the same country as them, would it not be easier for you to purchase the gifts? You could send me the receipts for the goods you have purchased and I could send you the money by Western Union. Or in the back of a radio. Or in a goat. Whatever. See to it, there's a good chap. And make sure you don't buy any cheap old rubbish, won't you? From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: PARDON AND UNDERSTANDING Sent: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 13:44:44 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I am still surprised on the whole issue, but due to the forgiving mind I have towards my upbringing as a human, I will always learn how to forgive, as I am being forgiven too by the Most High God our maker. You know that we have wasted a lot of time on this transaction, but it is only God who knows why it has been delayed in that way. To me, I believe it is all for good. My dear good fellow, I want you to use any radio you feel that can just contain the said fund. Just open the back and wrap the fund in a foil paper and put it there, then close it back and place it as a gift item you want to send to a friend down here. Please, I want you to buy the gifts over there and send them to come up with the said fund so that it will still look to the ministry that you are having an understanding mind with them, so that it will be like you are asking them to well down on your job, so that if they have been having a mind of doubt on you as I have always been on begging with them to handle your priorities to a good formative way where it will be very best for you to lift these treasures out from the security company. Do not mind. I will back up everything for you as I have been even right from time, but one thing you have to assure me is that do not let them to know that I am the one who asked you to buy gifts for them. Let them not find it out, as we are giving them a bribe to work for us on getting these documents out from their offices. Please, in order to help me and to help yourself also, and to the entire parties that are involved in this transaction, you have to please do this before getting back to your place by tomorrow, on the same address: 38 Rue Aniko Palako, Box 1210, Lome, Togo Tel: 00228-9078531 Attention it to my native name, Ogbuagu Orji Ogba, through the two courier services that were chosen, FEDEX or TNT, and forward the tracking number for monitoring. I am waiting to receive your mail, and may the Almighty God be with us and guide us in all things that concern this magnitude. Faithfully yours, JAMES CHAMBERS, Barrister James Micheal Note: the Pastor have already paid the penalty that was placed on us by the ministries and we are waiting to hear from you by tomorrow morning about the tracking and the airway bill of the very items. And we wish you a safe journey back to your base. From: Gilbert Murray To: James Micheal Subject: Radio days Sent: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 12:12:18 Dear Mr Micheal, Thank you for your email. I am afraid that I returned to Gypping in the Marsh early this morning, and I did not read your email until I arrived back at Hemlock Cottage. It is a shame that my trip to London appears to have been a waste of time. Never mind; on a positive note, it was good to catch up with my old friend the Archbishop again. I revisited the Western Union agent on the way to the station this morning and cancelled the two transfers I made yesterday. When I related yesterday's events to the agent, he was at a loss to explain what had happened. But no matter. You have now come up with the excellent plan of sending the money concealed in the back of a radio. I like this idea. Now then, I would like to send you a radio that you will be able to use once you have retrieved the money, so could you please tell me which radio frequencies you receive in Togo? I would hate to send you any old radio and find that it could not pick up any of your local stations. Do you use FM, AM, LW or SW? Kindly let me know the range of frequencies I should look for. Now then, about these "gifts" you have suggested I should purchase for the people at the ministries. I quite approved of the idea at first, until you used the word "bribe" to describe the gifts in your last email. I have to tell you, Mr Micheal, I do not feel at all comfortable with the idea of bribing people. That is most unchristian. Refer to your Bible, my good man. Did Adam bribe God to allow him and Eve to stay in the Garden of Eden? No he did not. Did Goliath bribe David not to slay him with his sling and stones? No he did not. Did Jesus Christ Our Saviour bribe the Romans to get him down from the cross? No he did not. Bribery is a tool of Satan, and I will have nothing to do with it. Shame on you for even suggesting the idea. Pray for God's forgiveness immediately, my dear fellow. I have to let you know that I will be unavailable from this afternoon until Monday morning: I am leaving to attend a Church of England conference entitled "Using Jumble Sales as an Ecumenical Device". I apologise for any further delays this may cause, but I had hoped that everything would be done and dusted by now. However, if you can get back to me with a list of the radio frequencies you can pick up in Togo by mid-afternoon, I will look for a nice radio while I am away, and I will courier it to you when I return on Monday. May Jesus wash your mouth out with soap and water for suggesting that we resort to bribery. Amen, Reverend Gilbert Murray PS. Please do pass on my thanks to Reverend Oshimolowo for paying the penalty that the ministries placed upon us. He really is a fine chap, and a credit to the Christian faith. From: James Micheal To: Gilbert Murray Subject: ANSWER Sent: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 06:42:57 -0800 (PST) ATTENTION REVEREND GILBERT MURRAY. Dear sir, I got your mail and the contents were well noted. You see my dear fellow, you refer to where I mentioned a bribe. It was not what I meant. What I mean is if I am to be the one to buy the items here, the ministries will think of it as if it is a bribe, but if it comes from you it will be addressed as an appreciation of what they did for you by having the patience all this while for the delay of everything till now. If you do that you will get their more attention towards the programme we have with them, and they will be dancing to my tone of presentations to them and will not bear much in mind, and even though they do, it will not be giving them the chance to be harsh on me, especially when we do not come with their requirements in time. The radio we use here is almost all you listed, for we listen to BBC.VOA.RFRC, as well as FM is everywhere I believe. I want us to get these treasures out from the security company at least by next week as I will be working to make the ministry not to have any more further eye on the delay of this programme. I wish you a safe journey to where you are going and your coming back. I remain, JAMES CHAMBERS, BARRISTER JAMES MICHEAL Click here to view the next part of this scambust. Copyright 2003-2025 www.gilbertmurray.co.uk. All rights reserved. Copyright notice |